LAEF is a volunteer-run organization with a small staff. We welcome volunteers on a project or ongoing basis. You can volunteer at school events, in the LAEF office, or from your home. Opportunities include:
- Board Member - see description below
- Site Representative - see description below
- Translator - translate brochures, flyers, video scripts, and other communications
- Social Media - help us with our strategy and postings
- Photography - photograph students, teachers, and activities for our communications
- Videography - record video testimonials and create program videos
- Office Support - help us in the office with research, mailings, and projects
- Fundraising Nights - text, call, or email parents at your school
- Event Planning - help us plan volunteer recruitment activities, fundraising nights, donor appreciation events, and Junior Olympics activities
- Committee Member - join one of our committees such as Survey and Audit as a non-board member. It's a great way to get involved and learn more about LAEF.
...and more! Contact us at and let us know your interests and talents.
"I am glad I was able to contribute during the past three years on the LAEF board. What drew me to the organization was more than LAEF’s mission to support a well-rounded education for our children but also the passion, commitment, and diverse experience of the board members from different schools. I learned and gained from serving on the board as much as, if not more than, I was able to give. It's been a great opportunity to support our schools, connect to the community, and make new friendships." – Hilda Chan, former LAEF Board Member
LAEF Volunteer Board Member
Are you looking for ways to help ensure that LASD students get the highest quality education possible? Consider joining the LAEF Board and make a difference in our community. This group of dedicated parents, representing all LASD schools, work together to raise funds to sustain and enrich our district's excellent educational program, beyond what public funding provides.
We are seeking LAEF Board Members to be responsible for leading the strategic, fundraising, and organizational goals of our organization. They are required to attend monthly Board meetings, serve on at least one Board Committee, and are expected to make a financial contribution of personal significance to the organization. Board Committees include Executive, Governance, Finance, Audit, Development, Grantmaking, and Survey.
Board Members are recruited based on skills and expertise such as financial acumen, development and fundraising expertise and contacts, leadership skills, and Board governance experience. The LAEF Board includes at least one representative from each of LASD’s schools, and we strive to include representatives from diverse cultural and economic backgrounds. Board terms are 3 years.
In addition, Board Members are asked to engage in volunteer activities throughout the year, including:
- Represent LAEF at key school functions such as Back To School and New Family Orientation Nights, Music Concerts, and PTA Meetings
- Represent LAEF’s stakeholders by acting as an advocate/ambassador for parents, teachers, and students
- Act as fundraising liaison by participating in the LAEF Fundraising Nights and LAEF Leadership Circle Events
Time Commitment: On average, 5-10 hours per month during the school year, but this varies depending on the specific committee and leadership roles. The time commitment is heavier in the fall when key fundraising activities are held.
More information: Contact to express interest in an LAEF Board position.
LAEF Site Representative
We seek Site Representatives from each school to form an active team of parents to carry out the mission of LAEF at their school during the year. These team members will assist LAEF Board members to strengthen the understanding and support of LAEF at their school.
Site Representatives will work on LAEF projects throughout the school year. Some areas of responsibility include representing LAEF at Back to School night and concerts, connecting and communicating with parents, teachers, and principals, and actively participating in fundraising efforts. They will meet regularly with a board member-leader, with each other as a team, and as their tasks require.
Time Commitment: The time required for each Site Representative will vary depending on the scheduled activities of the board, the school calendar, and their individual assignments. There is flexibility in the way the Site Representatives assign tasks within their team.
More information: Contact to express interest in an LAEF Site Representative position.
"I learned about LAEF when we moved to the area and my older child entered first grade. It opened my eyes to how school funding works in California and why LAEF existed. Knowing that the organization was started by parents to ensure all our children experience a high-quality, well-rounded education compelled me to get involved. I started by volunteering on the survey committee. That experience led me to join the LAEF board the following year. It’s been an honor to work alongside such a committed staff and a diverse board - made up of parents with varied backgrounds and experiences. The best part has been meeting and connecting with dedicated and passionate parents across the district. I’m grateful for the growth opportunities I’ve had during my term on the LAEF board and the friendships that will outlast my term."
– Amie Wang, LAEF Board Member 2018-2023
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