Los Altos Educational Foundation

2024-25 LAEF Funded Programs

LAEF funds teachers and staff for physical education (PE) in elementary schools, computer science, librarians, 4th-6th grade music teachers, Art Docents program, Living Classroom program, junior high electives, and mental health counseling. Donations to LAEF for the 2024-25 school year provide funding for these programs and more.

Computer Science
All LASD students learn to code! Computer science teachers give students the opportunity to express their creativity and make wonderful projects that are personally relevant to them through art, animations, stories, and more. Students learn a series of lessons to build their foundational skills of problem-solving, and critical thinking through computer programming. Students in TK-6 take a computer science class. Students in grades K-2 get about 10 lessons throughout the year. Students in grades 3-5 get about 15 lessons throughout the year, and 6th-grade students get a full year of computer science. Junior high students can choose computer science as an elective course. Learn more about what's happening in CS.

Javascript project

Physical Education (PE)
Certified elementary school PE teachers help develop each student's motor skills and understanding of health, nutrition, and fitness. 
Learn more about what happening in PE.

  how to throw a ball

"David CerecedesThe wellness part of PE is beyond just physical education — it’s taking care of the kids. I strive to engage them and get to know each student. Then, I often find they become more interested in the activity I'm asking them to do. My goal is to introduce lots of sports, games, and activities. I want to get them excited about something new ... and just maybe they’ll find something they hang on to later in life."  – David Cerecedes, LASD PE Teacher for 10 years

With funding from LAEF, LASD offers the important service of experienced mental health counselors to all elementary a
nd junior high school students who need it.

Unique to LASD, Los Altos Art Docents teach every elementary school student to explore Art through appreciation and participation. TK-6th grade students have even more art opportunities than ever before — drawing, painting, collage, printmaking, sculpture, multimedia, digital media, and more.  Art helps children strengthen creative problem-solving skills, develop respect and understanding of other cultures, and learn how to communicate ideas. Students participate in Spring Art Shows, alternating between several school campuses each hear. Learn more about what elementary students are learning about Art. Junior high students can choose art from a variety of electives. 

collage of art projects

Every LASD student in grades 4-6 receives a foundational music education. Five fully credentialed teachers provide music instruction 
to inspire an appreciation of music, teach musical concepts, develop life skills, and reinforce a core curriculum that will foster a growth mindset for all students. Students can sing in a choir, learn an instrument, play in an orchestra or band, or undertake interest-based projects related to music. LASD music teachers provide weekly 30-minute music lessons for elementary students. 4th-grade students learn to read music and play the recorder. 5th and 6th-grade students learn instrumental music and musical exploration Junior high students can choose from a variety of music electives, such as band, orchestra, chorus, and more. Learn more about LASD's music program.

Music Concert

Dr. Tina Payne Bryson"The subject I teach is music, but what I really teach is people. I teach students to work hard and persevere, to be respectful and kind, to care for and collaborate with others, and to make a beautiful world. I teach them to be moral humans and to make wise decisions so they can lead happy and fulfilling lives."  — Anne Spector, LASD junior high music teacher for over 25 years

Living Classroom
New this year, LAEF is funding Living Classroom. Through this program, every TK-6th grade student receives a hands-on environmental education that offers engaging, standards-based lessons using the native and edible gardens at their school campus. These lessons tie into the science, math, and social studies curriculum for each grade level. Fun and experiential lessons get students excited about learning, encourage healthy eating habits, and foster a love for nature and environmental stewardship.

Junior High Electives                    
LAEF funds all junior high electives — a key program at Blach and Egan. Student choice empowers students to explore their passions and own their learning. LAEF and the junior high principals understand the importance of our robust elective program, including music, e-sports, computer science, world languages, broadcast journalism, architecture, leadership, robotics & drones, and more. LASD's strong elective programs truly set our amazing junior high schools apart. 

Learn more about LASD's junior high electives program.

engineering elective


Every LASD school has a library, providing students with exciting opportunities to learn. LAEF funds a librarian for each school who encourages the joy of reading and assists each student in discovery and research. Libraries are often open during lunch and recess (schedules vary by school), and librarians make formal classroom visits. For the youngest students, librarians provide an engaging storytime and teach California state standards to help children identify characters, make connections to life experiences, understand narratives, and use the library system to find their own books. Librarians help upper-grade students flex their critical thinking skills, discuss topics like current events or literary censorship, and receive instruction on online research. Learn more about what the school librarian is teaching your student this school year.

Kids at their school library

Learn more about how donations to the Los Altos Educational Foundation are enriching your student's education in the areas of Wellness, Innovation, Library, and Arts & Humanities this school year.           

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