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LASD Libraries At-A-Glance

LASD librarians help students develop a passion for reading, investigate topics that interest them, foster a love of learning, and improve academic performance. Students who read for enjoyment will be on their way to becoming lifelong readers. An added benefit is that they will “magically” improve their writing ability and vocabulary.

Librarians teach students to use information and technology to answer questions, solve problems, and increase understanding. Students learn to assess the credibility of information and practice its ethical and safe use.

librarians, classes, books

Each LASD school has a library and an LAEF funded librarian who oversees an extensive, well-curated, up-to-date collection of books. Students are empowered to think critically, read enthusiastically, and develop research skills.

  • Students in K-3rd grade classes visit the library together each week, and 4th-6th grade classes visit at least every other week but often more frequently.
  • Elementary school libraries are also open every day at lunch and recess. Students can get reading recommendations, check out books, and enjoy a quiet community space to hang out. 
  • Junior High libraries are open before school, brunch, and lunch.  They are open Monday through Thursday from 3-4 pm for homework. Learn more about the Egan Library and Blach Library programs.

Donations to LAEF support librarians

Welcoming Spaces

Our school libraries are a magnet for students! Enjoyable community spaces managed by knowledgable librarians, LASD libraries provide inspiration, education, a gathering spot for friends, and more!

Libraries foster the love of reading via thoughtful, well-curated, up-to-date collections and a wide variety of activities.

Library Activities

Libraries bring different members of the community together & celebrate our diverse student body.

 Library Community

Inspiring Our Students

Librarians help students to enjoy learning by

  • reading engaging books.
  • introducing a variety of genres, including historical fiction, biographies, science. fiction, adventure, mystery, fantasy, and more.
  • highlighting books from a variety of voices and diverse cultures.
  • choosing age-appropriate themes or topics for display and discussion, like books. that have won the Newbery Award or Caldecott Medal, books that highlight a particular. culture or theme, or books that were banned. 
  • teaching how to explore the library to find books that interest them.
  • regularly changing the theme of library displays.
  • and more!

In the library your imagination can run free

Student quote about librarians picking the best book


Caliifornia State Library StandardsThinkers Readers Researchers

Librarians create a robust learning experience for all LASD students by

  • crafting lessons for each grade that teach the established California Library Standards.
  • partnering with LASD teachers to complement classroom learning.
  • fostering LASD’s partnership with the Santa Clara County public libraries to offer students access to national databases, ebooks, audiobooks, homework help, and other resources. 
  • researching which books to purchase and spending their annual budget to provide up-to-date and relevant collections. 

eBook Access

Students are taught how to use their Chromebooks to

  • check out ebooks through the public and school libraries.
  • search for books by author, subject, or title, read and write book reviews, and more.
  • access and search a research database. 

Destiny On-Line Catalog

Younger students are taught how to craft a research query on a particular nonfiction subject in the online catalog (i.e. polar bears), find relevant books, and extract research facts.

Older students are taught to access various databases, both those available through our District, as well as those available through our partnership with the Santa Clara County Library system. They learn research skills that include articulating and narrowing their searches and how to identify reliable sources.

​​Junior high classes visit the library for research projects and for directed time to find specific genres of books. Collections are pulled in relation to curriculum per subject as well as recommended books to encourage reading.

Research Databases

School Libraries Boost Student Achievement

LASD’s strong commitment to the library program expands educational opportunities for our students of all ages and abilities.

“When schools have high-quality library programs and librarians who share their expertise with the entire school community, student achievement gets a boost.” — Keith Curry Lance and Debra E. Kachel, Phi Delta Kappan. 

Find out more about why school libraries are so important!

Help LAEF fund our school librarians. Donate or Pledge Today!

Find out what's happening in other LAEF funded programs this school year.


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